Do they laugh at your child at school? This is what you can do

It is likely that if I now told you that familiar phrase that says that "the children are very cruel" Many would agree with me. The reality is that not all children are, but many are. And they are because of us, of adults, of society, that we are not able to create respectful environments in which they grow up feeling loved and with healthy self-esteem.

Then, from their shortcomings, there are children who are looking for ways to stand out and become socially visible in a totally wrong way, harming others. They are victims who become abusers to create new victims. And what happens when it is our son or daughter? What can we do when they laugh at our son?

What to do as parents if our child is a victim of bullying

Bullying can cause serious physical and psychological harm. Victims may get to the point of being afraid to go to school and do their best to stop going. If the problem persists, the child can end totally annulled and frightenedAnd, in the worst case, you can make some extreme decision if you cannot find a solution to your problem.

That is why, as parents, we must do everything in our power to prevent it from happening. The American Academy of Pediatrics published some time ago some advice for us parents, which happened to report below:

Make children understand that they should tell an adult

Children should know, even before they are victims of school abuse, that the important thing when an episode of abuse happens is tell an adult. And there is no talk only that the victim explains that he has suffered abuse, but also that the "spectators" do it: when an abuser harms another child, or makes fun of him, the silence of others also makes them complicit in the hurt.

I avoid being alone

Similarly, if a child begins to suffer abuse, he must try to avoid being alone. If he is in a group it is more difficult for a child to make fun of him.

If possible, do not react to provocations

The abuse aims to subdue the other, demonstrate to the abuser that he has power, so what he seeks is for the victim to cry, suffer and bow his head. Before the teasing, it can be positive that the child maintain composure and leave without paying attention.

Inform teachers and management as soon as the facts are known

As soon as we find out that something like this is happening, we must inform the educational professionals of the center to act. There are many schools that already have programs and protocols for situations like this, so that they can intervene successfully.

It is true that the parents' first intention is to go straight for the boy and his parents, but it is usually better for the teacher and the management to handle the matter.

Find other relationship circles for the child

One of the best ways to show our son or daughter that he does not deserve to be the victim of any abuser is that relates to other children, in other circles (extracurricular or similar), where such teasing or abuse does not occur.

Spend more time with our son

Also, at times like this it becomes imperative spend more time with him. That he knows and feels that we love him, that for us he is an important person, that he has to love himself as always, and that he who has a problem is not him, but the child who needs to hurt others to feel good.