Madrid firefighters explain why children have to travel backwards

Although it is one of those things that have all the logic of the world (once you stop to think about it), taking the children back in the car, even when they are older, is relatively recent in our country. That is why you have to raise awareness of all parents to take it into account before buying a chair in favor of the march, more dangerous than those designed to go backwards.

In Babies and more, we have spoken on more than one occasion about it and that is why we want to help spread the video recently published by Madrid firefighters, which explain that children should go backwards until at least four years of age.

A counterdrive is safer

As this professional explains, the great problem of children is that the force to which their heads are subjected when there is an accident is very high. The weight of the head of the children with respect to their bodies is high, much greater than in our case, and the muscles of his neck are not strong enough to counteract the violence of a frontal impact. Given this situation, lesions in the upper part of the spine are much more likely (and serious).

As we read in A against gear, of whom we talked a few months ago on the occasion of the campaign "Not even a little more in danger", an impact at 50 km / h transforms 1 kg of weight into 32 kg. If we talk for example of a 9 kg baby, who could be about 7-8 months old, his head should weigh about 2 kg, and we would be talking that his little neck would have to bear a force of more than 60 kg, going only at 50 km / h. If we talk about going on a highway, the impact is more violent and the risk for the baby is much greater, as explained in the video.

The longer, the better

That's why the ideal is that babies and children travel backwards for as long as possible. Even when? Until that moment when you see that there is no way to go like this, it can be about 6 years or more, depending on the size of each boy or girl.

In relative terms, it has been seen that traveling backwards is up to five times safer than traveling in favor of the march, which is how our children have been traveling all their lives, as they say. Now we are finally seeing how dangerous it is compared to the alternative, and that is why everyone, fathers and mothers, must be clear that the best is backwards.

Video: Creation Seminar 2 Garden Of Eden Dr. Kent Hovind With Subtitles (July 2024).