'My Willing Heart': James Blake's beautiful music video with Natalie Portman and her pregnancy as protagonists

It is not very common to use pregnancy as an 'artistic moment' for the masses because it is usually a very specific moment in the life of the woman who, in addition, tends to leave some traces (of the most normal and usual) that they try to hide: from cosmetic surgery centers that are dedicated to it, going through magazines that extol the examples of women who quickly return to those of before, even all the examples that can be imagined of social pressure to eliminate any trace of pregnancy.

That is probably why it is surprising that in this video of James blake, of more than 4 minutes duration, the images focus at all times on the pregnancy of actress Natalie Portman. A video that for some people is boring (seen the comments of youtube) and for others a moment of peace, illusion, emotion, life and hope.

One of his favorite composers

As we read in El País, the video was made public yesterday. It was filmed a few days before February 22, the day her second baby, Amalia, was born, who is the one who provokes in Natalie's belly those movements so amazing to see, when it seems that they ask for passage beyond mom's womb.

Directed by Anna Rose Holmer, is the first video clip of the album The Color in Anything, by composer James Blake, one of Portman's favorites, as he has expressed on occasion.

Pregnancy, a beautiful moment

It can be a hard time, it can be the difficulty to do things that the woman could do before, having to take the leave, suffer certain associated symptoms and wish it would be over soon; but a pregnancy can also be a beautiful moment, if we take into account that it is a relatively short period of time in which only two cells form a small being that will reach the world, if everything goes well, willing to bring happiness, magic, laughter, dreams and many intense emotions, Like every baby

Only nine months in which incredible things happen, which we assume as normal for usual, but that are part of a life cycle in which the legacy of each mother and each father will remain. Where else will we remain, and the people we are, more than in the memory of our children, and in the people they will be?

Video | JamesBlakeVEVO
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