The terrible images of a child drowning in a Finnish pool without anyone doing anything

Is it possible for a child to drown in a crowded pool? Although, unfortunately, we have already seen on some other occasion that it is, it is surprising to read this type of news.

This time it has happened in Finland, where a little four year old almost drowns in a pool in Helsinki before the eyes of dozens of people who pass by without helping you.

How is it possible to drown in a crowded pool?

The video, published by the British newspaper Mirror, contains images of extreme hardness that we are not going to reproduce, but on which we want to alert and reflect, because for children, the danger in the water can even be in a crowded pool.

According to the Finnish MTV network, the images were captured by the surveillance cameras of a Helsinki pool last January, although the video had not come to light until now.

The events occurred when the mother of the child decided to leave the pool and go to the sauna of the club where they were, leaving your child alone in the water. We do not know how long the child remained unsupervised, but it seems that it was enough for the misfortune to happen.

For four agonizing minutes, the boy struggles to stay afloat waving arms and wanting to get the attention of the rest of the people, who nevertheless continue with their bathroom outside the scene, in an attitude that is extremely cold and individualistic.

And it is that both adults who were in the pool and other children, pass a few inches from the child without noticing what is happening, probably thinking that he was playing or doing somersaults in the water.

Finally, a lady finds the body of the child floating in the water, but quickly takes it out and after practicing first aid is transferred to a hospital where the child managed to recover.

The Helsinki District Court has sentenced the mother to four months in prison in suspense for negligence and to pay a fine of 1,500 euros.

This summer, don't take your eyes off!

Seven out of ten drowning occur due to a momentary dismissal of the parents or caregivers and 20 seconds may be enough for a child to drown. Therefore, the best prevention is not to take your eyes off them at any time

But in addition to the surveillance, parents can carry out other measures to prevent this type of event, for example:

  • The use of pool material according to his age, that allows him to stay afloat without suffering any mishaps (remember that experts do not recommend the use of floats or sleeves)

  • Avoid leaving toys or objects in the water that can get your attention and want to take when they are out of the pool.

  • Try not to play or run around the pool, to avoid tripping and falling into the water.

  • And, above all, teach them to swim as soon as possible.

IStock photos

Via MTV, Mirror Journal

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