Does your child cry or refuse to go backwards? We share some tips

One of the most common problems we hear from parents about taking their children backwards is the fact that their children do not like to sit in this way and show them crying, renewing or doing some tantrum so they don't Put them in the car seat.

However, we know that the safe way travels against the counter and is what professionals recommend to do at least 4 years of age. For those cases in which your child does not want you to feel him in the chair, I share some tips that can help him to be comfortable and happy.

Why should you go backwards?

If this is the first article you read on the subject or you are struggling a lot with this situation and you are thinking of giving up, I would like to remind you why it is important that we keep our children countermarked as long as possible.

In case of impact, if traveling in the direction of travel and an accident occurs, all the weight and force of the impact will fall on the head and neck of your child, and can cause very serious damage that could be permanent or even death.

Going backwards prevents the entire impact of the crash from falling on your head and neck as it distributes it along your entire back, and the backrest of the seat slows the movement. It is estimated that going backwards is up to five times safer for your children than going in the direction of travel.

Let's make sure everything is in order

First we must verify that the straps are tight enough to retain your child but that they are not too tight to the extent that they bother or hurt him. Children should travel comfortably in their car seat.

Another very important aspect to take into account should be to ensure that the seat is correctly installed, that is, that it does not go "dancing" or sliding on the car seat. Besides this could make your child nervous when he feels that he moves too much from one side to another, it is dangerous because that way the seat does not fulfill his function correctly.

What can we do to calm him?

As I commented at the beginning of the article, many parents worry or despair when they see that their children are not happy when they go back. However, we must not allow that to be the reason to turn your chair in the direction of travel, since their safety must always go first.

For these types of situations I share some tips and ideas you can try:

Talk to him

This works for various situations, such as when we wait for a shift with the doctor or while we line up to pay at the supermarket. In the same way we can resort to having a conversation with our children to explain to them why they are going this way, that we are close to them and show them that it is not so bad to sit backwards.

Put your favorite music and sing together

What kid doesn't get excited when he hears his favorite song? Even an adult feels happy to hear that melody we like so much. Music is a great tool to raise our mood and there are currently many children's songs or music that they like.

Wear your favorite stuffed animal or some soft toy

Maybe they feel a little insecure about not seeing you, so using a stuffed animal or a soft toy that you like very much can help you feel calmer in a place that seems strange or uncomfortable.

If you wonder why I recommend a soft toy, it's because in the event of an accident, any object could be shot and hurt your child. The best thing is that if you are going to give him something so that he is calm, that it is something that does not harm him in any situation.

Last resource: the mobile or tablet

As a last resort, we can choose to use your mobile or tablet to put some of your favorite programs and calm down when sitting in your chair. However, I do not recommend it as a first option because, in addition to limiting the time that our children spend watching a screen, what I said in the previous point could happen: that in case of a crash it will go off and hurt your son.

Always take it backwards

The best we can do to prevent our children from crying or complaining about going backwards is keep them like this from birth to past 4 years, which is the minimum recommended age.

In case we have turned them by mistake or by any particular situation, it is important that when you return it backwards you are constant so that you get used to always going like this.

Video: Child Psychology : How to Discipline a Child That Does Not Listen (May 2024).