Will you travel somewhere hot? We share some recommendations

In the holiday season a very popular destination is the beach. Some are usually quite hot and the sun's rays leave us an enviable tan. However, in addition to having fun and enjoying the warm weather, we must take certain precautions to avoid dehydration or heat stroke.

So if you will travel to the beach or to a city where temperatures are higher than what they are used to, we share some recommendations for travel prepared for warm weather.

In addition to packing the suitcase carrying what is necessary and making sure that we do not lack anything we commonly take on a trip, we must keep in mind check the weather forecast to avoid surprises or setbacks.

During the heatwave season It is very important that we are prepared, as well as a dehydration or heat stroke like the ones mentioned at the beginning, there are certain diseases that are common in children during the summer.

Wear appropriate clothing for the weather

When preparing your suitcase, you must take into account the climate of your destination. Wearing the right clothes for this one, it can be something that defines your experience as a positive or negative one, besides that if you pack what is necessary you will avoid making unplanned expenses.

Choose clothes with fresh fabrics. They preferably pack clothes made of fresh, light and breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen, in the suitcase. Remember to also choose them in light colors, as these absorb less heat. Keep in mind the activities and places you will visit so you can choose the most suitable clothes.

Comfortable shoes. In addition to wearing shoes for some casual outing, pack ones that are comfortable and preferably have ventilation. The latter especially if they are going to walk a lot or if they will be for long periods under the sun.

Caps, hats and glasses. Essential to protect your face and eyes from the sun's rays. In addition to the fact that the skin of our face is very sensitive, wearing a hat will avoid the direct sun on our head.

Umbrella. Although it is not essential to carry it, if you plan to spend a long time walking under the sun's rays, I highly recommend carrying an umbrella that protects you from it.

Avoid the hours when the temperature is highest

We must try to be away from the sun in the hottest hours, regularly between 11 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. If it is necessary to leave, we must stay under shade and do our best to keep cool.

It is also important that at least during the hottest hours let's avoid exercising or any physical activity that involves an effort, to avoid overheating our body.

Protect yourself from the sun

If it’s not possible for them to stay protected during the hottest hours, take precautions before leaving. Something essential to protect us from the sun is a suitable photoprotector. Apply it about 30 minutes before sun exposure and replace it every two hours while they are outdoors.

In addition to wearing the right clothes, try to move by car and if possible avoid walking, moving in a vehicle, either private or public transport. In case of going by car remember to take your child's child restraint system to travel safely.

If for some reason they will come out for a few hours when the heat is very strong, look for shaded routes or ensure distances are short to be exposed to the sun as short as possible. In case you take your baby in his stroller remember do not cover it from the sun with a blanket or cloth, because it has been found that this practice increases the temperature inside the cart and increases the risk of your baby suffering a heat stroke.

Stay hydrated

Try consume fresh foods with high water content, like fruits and salads. It is very important to replenish the water that we are eliminating through sweat to avoid dehydration, so always carry a bottle or canteen with water To stay hydrated is a good option.

In the case of babies who are under six months and drink exclusively milk, either maternal or artificial, it is not necessary to offer them water, it is enough to increase the intakes. For babies and children over six months we can bring water in their little coach.

I hope you are recommendations for hot weather They will be useful and help them to enjoy a fun holiday without risks.

Photos | iStock
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