Case of Juana Rivas: does the mother do well to keep running away with her children so as not to hand them over to the father?

Juana Rivas is still missing with her two children for almost twenty days. Yesterday ended the three-day period given by the Audience of Granada to give his children to the father, but he has not done so. It is the second time that he fails to comply with the court order to hand over his 11-year-old and 3-year-old children (the first one was on July 26), which has led to an arrest warrant being issued against her for alleged abduction of minors

The Constitutional Court is the last hope he has left. His lawyers filed a second appeal for amparo before this agency to avoid having to hand over his children to his Italian ex-husband, and father of the children, Francesco Arcuri, sentenced in 2009 to three months in prison for abuse (which he did not have to fulfill) . She resists. A Constitutional response is expected this week, meanwhile, Spain is divided among those who defend and criticize Juana's decision to flee with her children so as not to hand them over to the father.

The Constitutional, his last hope

This week, the Constitutional Court must rule on the amparo appeal filed by the mother's lawyers asking for the protection of minors. They have returned to adduce "fundamental humanitarian reasons that connect with the best interests of minors".

What can happen? If the appeal for protection proceeds, the sentence of the Court of Granada would be suspended in a precautionary manner, so the order to hand over the children to his ex-husband would be stopped. Otherwise, the search and capture of the mother ordered by the judge will continue in order to take a statement following the criminal complaint filed then by her ex-partner for an alleged child abduction.

Joan resists

With the passing of the days, the judicial situation has been increasingly complicated for Juana Rivas, immersed in a complicated process, but she remains firm resisting for her children, whatever the cost. A "rebellion" that according to some is necessary for things to change.

Juana just sent a letter referred to the support platforms that are concentrated today in different cities and municipalities of Spain in which he expresses that "he is fleeing, but feels that he is not doing anything outside the law" and asks the justice to "direct this process towards sanity "and that" laws are actually used to protect minors, far from politics "or other" interests. "

The networks have turned in messages of support to the mother Under the hashtag #JuanaCuentaConmigo:

1/3 We do whatever it takes to protect our children. That is what Juana Rivas does. Before the Government's inaction, the country responds #JuanaCuentaConmigo

- Íñigo Errejón (@ierrejon) August 11, 2017

Are you really going to make children suffer away from the only person who protects them? #JuanaCuentaConmigo

- We (@FemNosotras) August 11, 2017

I wonder when we will begin to understand that ignoring violence ends in death # MachismoMata # JuanaCuentaConmigo

- virginia garcia (@Virgginni) August 11, 2017

#JuanaCuentaConmigo DISOBEYING UNFAIR laws is an ethical obligation. Evictions are also "legal" and we stop them.

- Kolontai (@ kolontai1959) August 11, 2017

On the other hand, there are also reactions that disapprove the way they act under the hashtag # JuanaNoEstáEnMicasa. They consider that the father has the right to custody of his children and that she should comply with judicial decisions.

#JuanaCuentaConmigo to celebrate your detention and subsequent imprisonment. Kidnapping two children must have a prize: jail.

- J. Carlos da Costa (@Zeildoux) August 11, 2017

HAVING A POPE, IS A RIGHT OF CHILDREN. NOT A MOTHER'S CAPRICHO #JuanaNoEstaEnMiCasa @marianorajoy @susanadiaz @EspejoPublico

- Vero Igualdad Real (@veroverobcn) August 2, 2017

Those of #JuanaCuentaConmigo are like those of #RefugeesWelcome, yes but far from my house: they have encouraged her but she will go to jail alone and

- Jesús Arroyo (@GenteQueLucha) August 11, 2017

It even circulates through the networks a poster that has been denounced by Podemos Granada for offensive and political training takes the opportunity to request the mediation of the Minister of Equality in the case.

They denounce an offensive poster about #JuanaRivas and ask the minister to intervene // | via @abc_es #ViolenciaMachista

- Carlota Moreno (@ carlotamoreno83) August 11, 2017