The kind gesture of a flight attendant, by calming not only one, but two babies during a trip

If there is something we know parents who have traveled by plane with our children is the following: we never know for sure what can happen. It can be a pleasant experience in which our children remained calm during the trip, or the biggest tantrum ever seen by humanity can occur (perhaps I exaggerate a bit with the latter).

In the event that the second option occurs, many parents make us nervous, since unlike when we travel by car, we do not go alone nor can we arm ourselves to get off and calm the baby. When this happens, we feel a reaction that is - unfortunately - quite common: disapproving glances and negative comments. In fact, a recent study found that half of the passengers want families with young children to feel away.

So in a world where it has become "normal" to complain about other people or situations in social networks, The image of a flight attendant, who helped calm not only one, but two babies during a trip in Chile has been welcomed.

The publication was made by a passenger who was traveling during that flight from Concepcion to Santiago, and who shared on the Facebook page of the airline SKY a couple of images of the flight attendant in question, whom we can see working calmly while first loading One baby and then another.

We always see complaints of ill-treatment by airlines, but today I want to share a different experience, which moved me. On our flight from Concepcion to Santiago, a crew member sympathized with a lady carrying a baby who kept crying. He took the baby in his arms and walked him to calm him. Then he repeated the gesture with another passenger. It was great! So I want to highlight this sky airlines employee for his attitude and collaboration

We should not be surprised by the kindness of people

In some comments of the publication and other articles by Babies and more where we have shared similar situations, several people have made an observation with which I could not agree more: that someone is kind shouldn't surprise us. In fact, this should be more normal, or rather, normal.

Eye: it is not about making everyone support our children when they are going through a tantrum or that someone else takes care of them. Nobody is obliged to witness or listen to a tantrum, but we can avoid making a bad face and understanding that children are just that, children. Enough have parents trying to calm their children because they are scared, confused or tired, as above receive negative looks and comments from people who are supposed to know how to manage their emotions.

Consider doing what a mother traveling alone proposed: instead of just complaining, we can act, just as she did during a flight, when she got up from her seat to help another mother traveling with her three children. And if we don't want to help, the least we can do is not make things worse, because children are also passengers, not "things that bother".

So going back to the reason for this article, congratulations to the flight attendant for having had a kind gesture to go beyond their responsibilities and help the parents of these babies. Because as mentioned in one of the comments: "It is true, it is not his obligation to load and calm them, but he knows that if the babies are calm, all the passengers will be calm and the flight will develop in harmony."