Modern dads: this is how men feel about fatherhood today

Yesterday we talked a little about the survey that Zero to three, a nonprofit organization that seeks to help children have a full childhood, had made parents of children from newborns to five to learn more about of the relationship between parents and children. In it they had discovered that we expect too much from our children, assuming that they develop certain emotional skills long before their time.

Another of the topics that were included in this survey was about the parents' point of view, and I would like to share the results, which tell us a lot about modern fatherhood and how dads feel today.

The role of the father in raising children

Today the role of the father is a very different one from the one we used to see in previous decades. While there have always been parents who are involved in raising children, it is now much more common to see them active and present in the lives of their children.

Several studies prove that today more than ever, dad's role is a very important one, since his presence in the development of their children can bring great benefits and also different from those we give them mothers. Isn't it nice to know that we can each give something different and positive to our children?

Some time ago we discovered that babies of parents who are involved in parenting learn faster and that pediatricians recommend that parents spend more time with their children because their way of treating them is different from that of mothers. We even know that the brain of man changes when caring for children, getting to feel the same bond and the same concern that mothers feel.

In addition, more and more parents are manifesting about how important their role is, such as that dad who said "I am not a babysitter", explaining why we should not be grateful to take care of the children when the mother is not .

And how do parents feel about fatherhood?

As I mentioned at the beginning, in the survey some questions were also asked to parents about how they feel their fatherhood and these are some of the most important points.

Both fathers and mothers think that Dad's figure is important and deserves greater recognition:

  • 84% of parents surveyed think that children benefit more when both parents participate.
  • 64% of the mothers and 63% of the parents who participated in the survey agree that parents do not receive sufficient recognition for their participation in the upbringing and care of young children.

They love being parents and want to improve:

  • 90% of parents think that being a dad is their greatest joy.
  • 85% think that being a dad is the best job in the world.
  • 73% of them believe that their lives began when they became parents.
  • 62% of parents want to have more information about how to be a better father.

In addition to taking into account their feeling like parents, they were asked how they compared to their own parents, and they responded that:

  • 52% show more affection.
  • 47% participate more when playing and spend more quality time.
  • 46% read more to their children.
  • 54% more often say "I love you."

Definitely the role of parents, but especially the way they see themselves, has changed a lot compared to previous generations, and we can notice it in these last answers, where they believe that they are more involved and more affective than their own parents.

However, despite the results that indicate that more and more parents get involved in parenting, currently many still feel like a secondary character or a bit excluded:

  • 40% of parents surveyed say they would like to participate more in raising their children, but feel that their partner interferes with their participation.
  • 43% think that their partner exercises too much control of the upbringing.

The latter may be something that we have to change women a little, because although in many homes mothers continue to be the main responsible for the children, we must remember to give space to the opinion and participation of the parents.

Definitely the role of dad has evolved and it is very nice to see today dedicated and involved parents in the care and upbringing of the children next to the mothers.

Photos | iStock
Via | Zero to three
In Babies and more | Dear Dad, having a child is for life, Fatherhood changes the brains of men