For three years a little girl greeted the trains daily, until she entered school and then something very emotional happened

One of the positive things that social networks have is that good news, memorable moments and emotional messages fly. If we look a little, we can find that they are full of texts with stories of friendship and love. An example of this is the anecdotes or stories in which a detail or a gesture of a small child touches our hearts.

The story I share with you today is a very emotional one, in which a girl reminds us that something as simple as a greeting in the distance can brighten the day to people we don't even know.

Briana Hefley is the mother of a little girl named Rio. Recently she shared a very sweet story about an action her daughter started and soon became a tradition: to greet the passing trener. His family has a business and about three years ago they moved to their new facilities, which are located next to some train tracks.

In a post on her personal facebook, Briana tells how from that simple greeting, something big and emotional came up that touched her heart. His story was later published on the page of Love What Matters, where it was filled with comments and positive reactions.

"The most impressive and moving thing happened this morning. This could be a bit long.", begins to tell Briana.

She proceeds to explain that since the change of offices, his daughter Rio was very excited to see the trains go by and always greeted them. The drivers did not take long to notice the little girl who greeted them from a large window and began to return the greeting.

With the passage of time, it became a kind of ritual among them. When passing through that place, the drivers blew the train whistle, the girl ran to the window, they opened the train window and both greeted each other with a big smile. Briana says she almost cried from emotion every time that happened.

This year, Rio entered classes, so like thousands of mothers, Briana had difficulty with the start of this new stage in her daughter's life. But the moment when he truly felt that this change was being difficult, was the first day when the train passed and his daughter was not.

"Their whistles blew, they opened their windows, but I was the only one standing there, just crying and waving weakly"Briana comments. The next day, she wrote on a sign" She started going to school "and when she heard the whistles, she ran to the window and held the sign to be read.

Three weeks later, I was just arriving at the offices, when someone knocked on the door: a man with a yellow shirt and earplugs hanging from his shoulders. Since her business was a construction company, she assumed she was a worker who came to see something related to the business. But it took a big surprise.

He was there to ask about the little blond-haired girl who greeted the trains. He was one of the drivers and it turned out that everyone wondered what had happened to the girl. That day they decided to stop and come to ask about her.

"Oh, I cried. They had seen my poster, but failed to understand what he was saying. They assumed that he had started going to school, but they had to make sure. He said his greetings made everyone's day. For three years they had shared those moments"Briana writes. But that was not all he told her.

The drivers they wanted to do something for her because they missed her, so they asked if they could send something, to which the mother said yes. So they agreed to send him a birthday present in the coming weeks.

"Witnessing their unconventional friendship in recent years has been magical. The knowledge that has impacted them as much as us, fills me with love and hope. Your visit this day and your kindness towards Rio has reaffirmed my hope in goodness and humanity. These are the moments that we will always remember"concludes the mother.

The powerful effect of a greeting

This sweet and tender story reminds us that something as simple as a greeting or a kind gesture, can have a great effect. Someone could be having a bad day or perhaps not having risen in a good mood, and something simple like a smile could completely change your mood.

Many times we take things for granted or we go through life in a hurry, without even seeing the people we cross paths with. Rio no, Rio wanted to greet the trains, despite not knowing if they would see her or if they would return her greeting. And without thinking or waiting, he changed the routine and made the days of the drivers of the passing trains happy.

From this beautiful story I am left with two things. First, let's be kind and give a greeting or smile to the other without expecting anything in return, we never know who might need it and how much it could improve your day. The second, let's be more like children and value those little gestures, let's return that greeting or that smile, we could also illuminate the day of who offers it to us.

Video: Visiting Abby in the Hospital. (May 2024).