Instamamis: the business behind the most popular mothers on Instagram

It all starts by uploading a photo in networks with your baby, immortalizing their day to day, their first steps and their occurrences. His sympathy begins to fall in love with other followers with those looks so cute and your Instagram account begins to grow like foam, so the instamamis are born.

We denominate "instamamis" to all those moms with Instagram profile, in addition to other social networks, where they repeatedly publish photos of their generally minor children. Their number of followers makes the brands raffle them and they all want the little ones to pose with their accessories or products. But how does this sector work? Who are they? If a few days ago we talked about the mini influencers now it's their turn, we talk about the instamamis, the most popular mothers of Instagram.

A common goal, different channels

They all decide to start their online career for the same reason, start sharing their experience of their recent motherhood with future moms. Moreover, until they become mothers, that desire to be part of this world of influencers does not wake up.

Some decide to start with a blog where they can talk about all kinds of issues related to pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth and postpartum. Others prefer to do it with a YouTube channel and those that have to opt for an Instagram profile.

A few years ago, the blogger world lived its best, but currently the fashion network is Instagram although it is true that positions to choose brands seek the most complete influencer, the one with a blog and all possible profiles.

What benefit do instamamis get from brands?

The maternity sector is not the best paid or the most demanded as could be the fashion or even the gastronomy. Yes it is true that it is the most grateful to brands. Instamamis tend to be quite faithful to the products, take care of the brands and these, in addition to being very satisfied, seek to repeat frequently for the good results, but how can the offers be?

  1. Product: Sometimes the brand or agency that represents it will offer only the product to mom influencer in exchange for showing it on Instagram. It can be a product for maternal care (anti-stretch cream for example) or products for the baby. Generally clothes. When there is no financial compensation, the one that the installer accepts or will not depend on whether the product likes it or not and the value itself. Some very top, directly do not accept without financial compensation, others have to be very interested in the product and a third group has no problem if what is offered fits.
  2. Service: Sometimes it is not a physical product. There are brands that have "paid" these instamamis with services such as a trip for the whole family to publicize a destination or attend a certain show. The same happens here as in the previous case, the economic compensation will depend on the level of the influencer but generally they are usually much more willing to participate in these cases.
  3. Economic compensation: Finally there are cases in which there is no product shipment, simply financial compensation for the influencer to appear with or without their children talking about a certain product or that even, if it is of little value, buy it on their own. Imagine, a product that can be obtained in any supermarket, she would buy it and publish the image charging a total fee.

It is also true that not all have "for sale" their snapshots and refuse to establish business relationships as their personal space. In the end, it is best to contact them directly and ask if they are interested.

How much do you charge?

The truth is that there is nothing regulated. Generally the brands usually pay what the influencer considers or already have a fee determined by number of followers, but the most normal is to adapt to the rates of each girl independently.

He price can range between € 100 and € 1,500 depending on factors such as:

  • If you have never done a collaboration: There are influencers who have never sold publicity and may have scandal numbers and inexperience causes them to ask for a very low fee until they report and raise rates.

  • If the product is very exclusive: If we offer them something that they like very much or that is very top, they often lower the price a lot.

  • If we have collaborated with them before: Generally, if there is already a link with the brand, they usually make a price to continue maintaining a good commercial relationship.

  • Of the work involved in the action: If in addition to the image we are going to ask for stories or have to edit images with looks, it is not the same as uploading an image that we send to you and all that will be valued in the final price.

  • If you have to add a link in the bio: If we ask you to keep our link in your biography, that extra advertising can increase the value.

The most popular Spanish instamamis on Instagram

Verdeliss: Behind this account with almost 600,000 followers is Estefanía Unzu, a mother of six children. She has become the woman of the most watched births on YouTube through her channel. In their social networks we can see all their daily routines from the bathrooms to their walks.

Here at the entrance of Adventureland. Two days later and they keep remembering their exploits in the park, the excitement of the attractions, the magic of the shows or the laughter with their friends from @lidiabedman and @nosoyunadramama ❤️ This experience has been incredible where our children have been protagonists , thanks @disneylandparis for taking care of us so well. I'll upload some more photos today and soon vlog ... the kids creak me but hehe # disneylandparis25 #SemanaMagica #Verdeliss

A shared post by verdeliss (@verdeliss) on Feb 27, 2018 at 9:48 PST

Carameluchi family: in this profile of more than 300,000 followers we see the daily life of the family formed by Nohe, Fran, Elaia and little William. They share their countless trips and daily routines.

Carameluchis! How have you spent the day? Here in Malaga it rains a lot and it makes a breeze 🤪 it has been a day not to leave home, sofa, movies and blanket 😍 but no, it has not been our case jiji (photo-stolen from @tonibaeza 💃) #FamiliaCarameluchi #CarameluchisViajeros # CarameluchisEnMorocco #LaVidaConUnaSonrisa #LaVidaEnUnaMaleta #LosCarameluchisNoParan

A shared publication of ✨Familia Carameluchi✨ (@familiacarameluchi) on Feb 28, 2018 at 1:13 PST

alma_cupcakes: Alma Obregón has a profile of almost 200,000 followers. Among his photos we will see snapshots of his three passions, pastry, sports and his baby Bruno.

The sun has risen ... perfect excuse to approach @cookiesbyalma in the Arenal street for a cookieshake!

A shared post by Alma Obregón (@alma_cupcakes) on Mar 10, 2018 at 8:16 PST

laloylila: Cristina Ramírez has more than 160,000 followers and is the mother of four children: Abel, Valeria, Oliver and Claudia. Among his photos in addition to his more maternal facet we also find snapshots of lifestyle.

The rain does not give us respite, it seems that this week we will not see the ☀, I miss the afternoons in the street with the churroncillos, in the house they revolutionize a lot😅. This week we will have a SUPER raffle, I am delighted with our stroller, it is very comfortable, and it is so wide that Claudia can take a good nap in it. Last year we raffled along with @bebecarespanola, a Spot Plus stroller like ours and as it was a success, we will again draw another. Be very attentive! 😉. Nice dreams! 😘😘😘

A shared post by Cristina Ramirez (@laloylila) on Mar 11, 2018 at 1:55 PDT

mummiella: Judith has more than 157,000 followers where in addition to showing her little Daniella she focuses on fashion, beauty, lifestyle and decoration.

Yesterday we were at @disneyonice And it was a beautiful pass !! ❄️☃️❤️❤️ Upon arrival they thought we were sisters and that my mother was the mother of both of us🤦🏽‍♀️. The thing is that yesterday I spent the whole morning with my mother while giving me some advice on things that concern me about the topic of education ... I've always said that my mother reminds me of SuperNanny and that her techniques work. Thanks to her we got Daniella to eat alone and not wear a diaper with a year and a half. It was hard but we got all 3 together. As a child I rarely remember a shout from him, it was seeing a gesture and I already knew what he was playing !! I recognize that sometimes I open myself but in the long run it is no use. A child is much happier when he has rules, and he loves you less! Daniella is a blessing and so far all the changes (even if they take their work) work for me ❤️

A shared post by j u d i t h • d a n i e l l a (@mummiella) on Feb 24, 2018 at 4:37 PST

fatimacanto: Fática Cantó is the mother of twins Gonzalo and Alonso and in his account, with more than 138,000 followers, he counts his day-to-day life as a mother of multiples.

Rain, Rain Go Away 🎶 - | raincoats for everyone from @ batela1991 💦 ♥ ️ |

A shared publication from F a t i m a C a n t o (@fatimacanto) on Feb 28, 2018 at 5:36 PST

oh.mmiblue: they are Verónica and Jana, mothers of Álex with more than 120,000 followers who follow their snapshots about gastronomy, travel and motherhood.

Sunday ♥ ️ Sniffing her curls, kissing her hands, touching her feet… my favorite things to sleep next to him. #myson #goodmorning #thenewnormal

A shared publication of Oh! Mamiblue * Food and Love * (@ oh.mamiblue) on Mar 11, 2018 at 12:29 PST

estoreta: Esther is Valentina's mother and her account, with more than 70,000 followers, is dedicated to family themes, decoration and everything handmade.

End of 3 amazing days! We have certainly said goodbye to winter in capital letters! Now I need a couple of days before Monday 😅 ... Great all the experience (accommodation, ski passes and spa) with @ centraldereservas👌🏼 We are raffling with them so go through my profile and participate!

A shared post by Esther (@estoreta) on Mar 11, 2018 at 7:28 AM PDT

saritatwin: Sara Martínez is Martina's mother and has almost 70,000 followers in an account focused on maternity, decoration, beauty and fashion.

Sweet dreams 🖤

A shared post by Sara Martinez ☆ (@saritatwin) on Feb 25, 2018 at 11:19 PST

mebabymolon_: Esther is behind this account with almost 54,000 followers. She is the mother of Daniel and Alba and among her snapshots we will find raffles, looks for moms and babies, beauty tips and her more familiar facet.

👉🏼 #mifamily ❤️, my best #birthday gift 🎂 Thank you for all your #happiness and beautiful words, we have spent a # day10 I hope the #reyes have behaved very well! 😘❤️ P.D. We only had to take 259,543 photos 📸 for something decent to come out ... We will try to improve it little by little ... 😜 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• # mibebemolon # baby #baby # birthdayfeliz #cumple #cumplefeliz # felizlos4 #mifamilia #myfamily #lomejordemivida #lovemyfamily #familiafeliz # instabebe #instababy #instamoment #instablogger #reyesmagos #mamablog #mamablogger #fotofamiliar # mom #maternity #love #happiness

A shared publication of EstBy Esther Salamanca🌿 (@mi_bebe_molon_) on Jan 6, 2018 at 1:21 PST