Folic acid for a healthy baby

Folic acid is more than recommended, since it reduces the risk of conceiving a child with neural tube defects. Among some of these defects, the best known is spina bifida.

He folic acid It is a vitamin of the B complex that practically lacks contraindications, therefore, if you are thinking about getting pregnant, you can start taking it.

The greatest effectiveness is achieved when the duration of its intake is three months, so it is recommended to take it before pregnancy, and continue taking it three months later. When the pregnancy has not been planned, it begins to be taken from the first day of your knowledge.

Although folic acid is found in many foods, such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc., it is not enough to get the necessary amount. With a woman's diet, it does not reach 0.2 milligrams, so we need the vitamin complex to reach 0.4 and recommend that you increase your consumption of synthetic folic acid to 1 mg. once pregnant

But do not forget to go to your doctor so that he determines what amount you need, because according to the pathological history, such as neural tube diseases, diabetes ... the amount can vary.

Video: Folic Acid and You: Your Healthy Pregnancy (May 2024).