The possible doubts of new mothers

It's been a few days, you have your baby at home and some appear doubts that are common in new mothersDon't worry because it's normal, all mothers go through them.

You have to keep in mind that sometimes the newborn's bowel movements are somewhat strange. You see that they are sticky, they have a greenish black color and something difficult to clean, but this is normal and in a few days they will change their appearance, they will be clearer, lighter and easier to clean.

It may happen that your baby does not stop breastfeeding and lose weight, but you should not be alarmed, keep in mind that in the first week of life, until you learn to feed, you can lose up to 10% of your birth weight before starting to fatten. As long as you eat well and wet diapers, there is no problem. It is also normal for a baby to regurgitate a little milk after an intake, this is common. If you notice that the umbilical cord wound smells bad and looks brownish, it is also normal. This will dry out and fall off by itself approximately two weeks after birth. Clean the area with 70º alcohol twice a day and try to dry it well after bathing.

Another symptom of which you should not be alarmed, are the white or yellowish spots around the nose and cheeks. They are known by the name of millia, 20% of babies born, do so with these points and are unimportant, they will disappear.

These are some of the doubts that many mothers have, but with the right information, worries are relieved. But above all, if in doubt, it is best to go to the specialist for relief and peace of the parents and safeguard the health of the baby ...

Video: Man Now Doubts His Own Paternity, Leads To Courtroom Shocker! Full Episode. Paternity Court (May 2024).