Have fun with soap bubbles

If you make soap bubbles before your child, you will see that he is very attentive, then he will be amazed and finally will laugh out loud. We have all been small and we have been fascinated by soap bubbles, the bubbles are magical for the little ones, they float in the air, they don't know where they will go, nor how long it will take until they burst and disappear.

It is a game that will entertain your baby, stimulate his curiosity and help him increase the knowledge of the environment. Invite him to elaborate them, there are many advantages and much to gain. Blowing, perfect breathing control, increase your compression capacity and also improve your perception of space.

All these advantages help you positively to the development of language and its ability to sing, learn what a logical sequence of events is and also realize that you are capable of generating them. He observes the trajectory of the bubbles, wants to catch them and that is when he learns to work the sense of anticipation and to coordinate his movements. How and with what can we make soap bubbles? If you mix two parts of water with one of liquid detergent and also add a spoon of glycerin, you can get some really strong bubbles. Use soda sticks, take three, and cut them in half and gather them with zeal. When you blow you will see soap bubbles coming out in all directions, if you also want them to be even more spectacular, use a strainer ring or funnel, when you wet it in a bucket with soap and shake your hand, your child will be stunned because of the immense bubble it gives off.

You will see that as soon as you have the first opportunity your child will not settle for being a simple observer and will want to take action to have fun with what you have taught him. He may not be able to take the utensil, but he can try to blow.

Video: 15 DIY Soap Bubbles And Life Hacks. How To Make Giant Bubbles (July 2024).