Previous placenta

As we know, the placenta is a vitally important organ that provides the food and oxygen necessary for the proper development of the future baby. It is called placenta previa when it is inserted in the lower part of the uterus, when it is normally in the anterior or posterior aspect of the uterus.

The previous placenta It is divided into two categories, the first can cover the exit of the uterus, this type of placenta is called occlusive, but within the occlusive is the partial and complete. The second is the "non-occlusive" which means that it does not cover this hole.

The difference between one and the other is very important, since depending on the type of placenta, the future baby may or may not leave through the normal channels, in case he cannot, he will have to resort to caesarean section. The placenta previa is diagnosed during the third trimester of pregnancy and is expected until that period because as the uterus extends, the placenta can move away from the cervical orifice. It can cause bleeding during the last trimester of pregnancy or during childbirth, if there is hemorrhage during pregnancy it is very important to go urgently to the medical center. If you have any questions, it is best to go to the gynecologist, he will provide you with the right advice, among them are avoiding sexual intercourse, not making physical efforts that can cause any danger to the health of the baby or the mother, etc. This will avoid possible complications.

The future moms who are most at risk of suffering from placenta previa are those who are over 35 years old, multiparous women, those who have had previous placenta previously, who have suffered more than one caesarean section, or those who consume a certain drug.

Most important of all, it is the well-being of the baby and the mother and it is necessary to follow the advice and instructions given by the specialist.

Video: Low Lying Placenta - Placenta Previa, Animation (July 2024).