The beginning of sex education

When a boy turns three, he usually begins to express a special curiosity to know where the boys come from, why the boy has a tail to pee and the girls don't, or how the boys are made. A series of questions that are important to answer by addressing them in a very natural way and always adapting the answers to the child's age.

The beginning of sex education What happens in the first years, sexual awareness is formed allowing the boy or girl to accept themselves as they are, teaching him to discover his own body so that the anatomical differences of each sex are identified and assumed. Sexuality is also a matter of children, therefore the curiosity they show us should be answered as much as possible. On many occasions, the birth of a new brother is the starting point for your child to start asking these questions.

The obstacles, fears and false beliefs are not a good norm or a good moral for the education of a child. You should use a vocabulary that avoids relating the sexual with something dirty and the giggles or grimaces that can make you believe that it is something funny. What is clear is that we must always respect their age and give them understandable and adequate answers.

We all have anecdotes about the first questions that our little ones ask, what is yours?

Video: Sex Ed the Series Episode 1 - "This Is Sex Ed" (July 2024).