Improve physical appearance during pregnancy

At the moment there is no scientific evidence on certain aesthetic treatments for improve physical appearance during pregnancy. During this time, hormonal changes cause a slight physical deterioration that, despite being temporary, some women are affected psychologically.

Most future moms worry about their physical appearance, sometimes they think they are uglier or careless. However, we must reiterate that these changes are temporary and that all attention must be focused on the life that is to come, trying to get rid of these superficial concerns compared to the importance of having a child.

All the physical changes that a pregnant woman suffers are due to hormonal systems, mainly hormones secreted by the pituitary gland, estrogen or progesterone. In addition there is an increase in pigmentation during pregnancy, all this together with the increase in facial hair or in different parts of the body or acne, are enough reasons for a pregnant woman not be so pleased to face the mirror. There are many techniques that are used to improve aesthetics, but none recommended for women who are in state and with it to be able to alleviate the anguish caused by these temporary changes caused by pregnancy, techniques such as laser or electrolysis to control excessive Hair growth cannot be used, since there are no rigorous scientific studies that indicate that they do not cause any harm to the fetus.

We can also talk about botulinum toxin applied in pregnant women to eliminate wrinkles or expression lines, caused several cases of botulism in pregnant women who used it.


The final conclusion is the following, the most important thing is not to worry about these temporary aspects that they will send, to follow good hygiene so that these body modifications are minimized as much as possible and not to be stressed at all by the new image given during pregnancy . A good diet and a healthy exercise will also help improve the physical appearance. Besides, what pregnant woman hasn't been told how bright she is? The others don't always see us as we think.

Nor should we forget the fundamental role of the future dad, the comments he gives to his wife regarding the physical aspect, must reaffirm the love he lavishes and make the future mother see that she remains the same or more attractive than before becoming pregnant and even that he has gained a very special beauty that he did not have before. What else are we going to tell you?

Enjoy your pregnancy!

Video: 7 ways your breasts change during pregnancy (May 2024).