Mom, when you feel or are told that you don't do anything all day, remember this

The work of mothers is one that has no end. From the moment we get up until we put the head back on the pillow until late at night (or even at dawn!) We are active. And of course, most of the time we are tired.

But despite everything, many people believe that moms who stay at home to take care of their children "They don't do anything all day." If you feel that way, or have been told, we want to remind you of some things.

Let's start by clarifying something: the value of a person does not reside in the workload or the number of activities that he performs during the day. And I say this because working hard or even tired is usually listed as a positive quality, and of course, a working person is recognized for his dedication and effort. But that does not define its value.

We all like to set goals, work and fight for them until we achieve them and of course we are excited and excited about this feeling of satisfaction when we have achieved what we set ourselves. When we are mothers, this is something we experience little.

Many times instead of focusing on the positive, we open the way to guilt or the feeling of failure because, indeed, it seems that we do not manage to do much during the day. But let me tell you something: if you do, and much. Because you have the most important job of all.

You do everything, even if it seems that you do nothing

"What does a mother who stays at home do all day?"It is a question that many people ask themselves. Some believe it is as relaxing as being on vacation because you do not go to work, while others imagine that everything is laughter and do what you want in the day. But the reality has little to See with those thoughts.

They say you don't do "nothing" because you only take care of your children, but it's really, the most important work. And also the most beautiful, the most exhausting, the most exciting and the most challenging. Being a mother is an experience full of emotions, ups and downs. And a lot of work.

So, Why do you seem to do nothing all day? Because in reality, you do everything. Mom, when you stay at home, you stay to care, protect, raise and teach a little person who depends entirely on you.

When you feel that you do nothing, remember this

Every day, you get up to take care of your baby or your children. You dress them, prepare them breakfast, lunch and dinner. You feed them with patience and dedication, and if you can, you eat something too. Clean them if they get dirty when eating, dress them in clean clothes (unlike yours that already seems to have permanent spots) and fix their hair with love and tenderness.

You respond to every need they may have: hunger, sleep or desire to be taken in arms. You accompany them, you play with them, you sing them and you place yourself on the floor to make them smile. You give them love, warmth and a safe place, now that they need it most. And they respond with hugs, smiles and that adorable little laugh.

The house may be dirty, maybe you forgot your clothes in the washing machine yesterday or you still haven't been able to wash the dishes from the previous meal. But your baby is safe, healthy, well cared for and happy. You are raising a human being, a person who now needs you for everything and who will only be tiny once. You are nursing, and you are doing very well.

And yes, it may seem that you do nothing, but you are doing everything by giving your heart, time and dedication. Perhaps the work you do is not recognized by all or receive the title of "employee of the month", but you will receive many unique and happy moments next to your children. You will receive the purest love, with the most sincere smiles and the warmest hugs you can imagine.

So when you feel or are told that you do nothing, remember this: you are a mom and you have the most important job in the world.

Photos | iStock
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