Children should eat everything, but in their right measure

It is often said that Children should eat everything, but in their right measure. What is the right measure ?, considering that food during the first years is the cause of its development, whether physical or intellectual, the acquisition of eating habits that will mark your life, etc., we must ensure the parameters that mark a fair and optimal measure for children.

Eating everything is appropriate but there are many children who abuse certain foods, in the end it does not help much to eat everything, it is necessary to dose and properly manage the food to the child. Many problems and food imbalances do not come from the consumption of all kinds of food, but from an excess in the consumption of some of them. A nutritionist can advise you perfectly on the energy needs of a child depending on how old he is. It is advisable not to exceed the kilocalories that experts advise, with this we will also ensure that the child does not develop any type of problem or eating disorder. In addition, in the recommended kilocalories different foods must be combined equally in their fair measure, you cannot contribute to the small 1,200 kilocalories using only chocolate.

A child who is between 3 and 4 years old should contribute about 1250 kilocalories to his body every day, up to 6 years old, about 1700 kilocalories and from 6 to 10 years old, about 2000 kilocalories. Of course, everything will depend on the pace of life that the child leads, the tables provided by the Ministry of Health or other agencies are general and are suitable for most children. But the most appropriate is to let you advise by a nutritionist to ensure proper development of the child.

Video: Tips for Picky Eating and Children with Autism (July 2024).