As a reward, let's eat a hamburger!

There are many parents who have little time to devote to the children, the problem of our society seems to have no arrangement, every day we work harder to keep yours with an adequate standard of living. All parents want the best for our children, give them what we had or that we crave, but sometimes we fall into mistakes that are easy to solve.

It seems that children are born with a taste for chips, hamburgers and soft drinks from fast food establishments "under the arm", and parents, who often feel indebted to the little ones for not being able to spend more time with them, satisfy their whims by taking them every week to establishments like McDonald's or Burger King.

The mentioned pleasure of the little ones when they eat fast food does not worry in excess unless it becomes something habitual, since in addition some of these foods, in many occasions and for the same reason (lack of time), are part of the dinners, such as breaded chicken, frankfurts, pizzas, french fries, hamburgers, nuggets, etc. The fight of the Ministry of Health against these establishments, would not be such if users visited them sporadically, but unfortunately, there are many people, and many reasons, that lead to this food being part of their lives, even if they know their nutritional hazards

Apart from harming the body, this diet in a moderate consumption is a great ally of obesity and overweight, because we already know that in a single meal you can eat more than half of the necessary daily calories, most The fault lies in the excess of fats provided by fried, breaded and breaded fats, which, in addition to being heated, are more indigestible and, over time, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. If we add the sweet and sugar-filled desserts that with their great photographs seduce the sweet tooth ... these also favor diabetes and tooth decay, among other disorders.

A somewhat healthier option and with which you can also satisfy your children in their desire to go to a fast food, is choosing the menus that are lately reigning to clean the image of these establishments, with salads, fish and roast chicken, yogurts , fruits, etc.

Children and even adolescents, trust in the eternal and healthy youth, we are the parents who must educate them with what is best for them, explain to them from small what our body needs and what does not, is a learning as or more important than many others, because with it goes health.