Bad breath in children, childhood halitosis

It is normal for newly raised children to have bad breath, during sleep saliva is scarce and favors the development of oral microorganisms that emit gases of unpleasant odor. But you have to check that this halitosis is not permanent, as you would be warning us about some other problem.

They can have bad breath due to lack of oral hygiene, so improving habits in cleaning teeth and mouth, the problem will be solved, and oral health problems will also be avoided.

Caries is also one of the most frequent reasons why children have bad breath, you should go immediately to the dentist to be treated and halitosis will also disappear. The childhood halitosis It can also show some organic disorder, such as upper airway infections, stomatitis, gingivitis, reflux, gastritis, diverticulosis, etc.

Even a foreign body in the nose or mouth can cause it, if you find yourself in this situation, go immediately to the specialist, do not intend to remove it yourself, you could not worsen the situation.

So, if your child continues with bad breath throughout the day, consult with the pediatrician to rule out possible disorders and treat any that may exist.

Video: My Toddler Has Bad Breath What Does It Mean? (May 2024).