Decipher the baby's cry

When moms and dads arrive home with the newborn baby, there are many insecurities that assail him, especially if they are first time. They look after a seemingly fragile, helpless baby, totally dependent on the parents. But, quickly the newly released parents will learn to take good care of their little one to know him and understand his needs.

The first situation that alarms them is crying, the one whose baby looked like a little angel in motherhood; when they get home they discover that he is a professional “shout”. Crying is the only way to communicate your needs and feelings. Her different ways of crying with changes in the timbre and intensity indicate the baby's needs.

And although in the market there are electronic analyzers of the crying of babies, they are the parents who through daily interaction learn to decipher the newborn's announcements.

The cry of hunger: it is the most obvious reason that makes him scream very urgently and that no affection calms him. The baby will only calm down after being satisfied. If he is crying and it has been a few hours since the last blowjob, don't doubt it is hunger. Pain ?: Acute, inconsolable, suddenly ... this is how crying is characterized by pain. Colic is normal in the first months. Try a tummy massage; If you notice a different behavior, do not hesitate to call the pediatrician.

Agitation? The newborn is "bombarded" with different stimuli: noise, lights, etc. and at certain times of greater tension, the baby can manifest a true crying crisis. The baby is tired, nervous, may want to be held. Some babies cry before bed. Don't let him cry thinking he will fall asleep; He just looks for a little love.

Cold ?: Many times when we are changing the diaper or bathing, the toddler begins to cry. It is due to the momentary feeling of cold and also because of the feeling of nakedness. By covering it with a towel you will stop crying.

Loneliness? If it can be. Sometimes he feels the lack of his mother or father and begins with an almost crying imperious cry. Do not think that they are whims, lull it in the arms with love and attention and you will see how it will calm down.