Belgium's abandoned baby mailbox

We discover in Antena3 News the mailbox in Belgium so that mothers who cannot or do not want to take care of their babies, leave them in a safe place and where they will receive medical attention immediately.

When we met the BabyBox already mentioned its inclusion in this country, but since then, the news about the new “lathes” that are installed throughout the world do not stop happening.

“Box for the abandoned” can be read in the BabyBox for abandoned babies in Belgium installed by an NGO. This is located inside a portal, where there is a crib. Before abandoning the baby, the mother must print the print of her little piece on paper in case she regrets and wants to recover her child. Then, once the door of this portal is closed, the alarm sounds in the NGO, and after a reasonable time to preserve the anonymity of the mother, a doctor moves to pick up the baby. This controversial service is open all day, except when a baby has been left, which cannot be opened from outside until child care services pick it up, to prevent theft.

We get the impression that so much news about the places of abandonment of babies and the always mention that it is not something approved by governments (in some countries), has several fronts, on the one hand it is clear, to make known all the world, especially to mothers who have problems raising their children, the existence of abandonment cribs, that guarantee the baby's care and anonymity of the mother, end the abandonment of babies in garbage containers, in the middle of the street, etc., but it also seems to claim greater inclusion of this service in different parts of each country, as many babies will remain abandoned to their fate if to go to a BabyBox you have to cross half a country.