Spanish childhood obesity surpasses the American

A few weeks ago our partner Dolores made us know the book Gordito does not mean healthy, well, Lourdes Alcañiz, co-author of the book, has been interviewed by El Periódico and shows us some of the results of her research. Among others, it indicates that childhood obesity in Spain is very high and ensures that in some cases, Spanish children outnumber American children by levels of obesity, remember that the US has alarming rates of obesity.

But we are talking about Spain, according to Lourdes Alcañiz, Andalusia is one of the communities with the highest rate of childhood obesity in such a way that Spanish girls between 2 and 5 years old and Spanish boys between 2 and 8, and 12 and 14 years old overcome the obesity that children in the United States have of the same temporary periods.

This data contrasts with the fact that Spain is one of the countries flagged in the Mediterranean diet, and that is, in the house of the blacksmith stick spoon. The causes that have led to this situation, according to the author of the book, are the social change that women have suffered in recent years, joining the labor market and leaving aside the responsibility of the menu and children's activity as the outputs to the park. This does not mean at all that female liberation is not positive, but this change makes it impossible to prepare Mediterranean recipes or go out with children to perform physical activity. Prepared food is dominating the situation, this is accompanied by physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle, the result is a cocktail that predisposes to obesity.

Educating parents about food and nutrition is a necessary and obligatory task if what is intended is to reduce childhood obesity, many preparations and soft drinks have too many calories in their composition. We just have to remember what our physical activity and our daily diet were to realize the great differences that exist with respect to the diets and physical activity that children do today. We will verify that children are really apart from a healthy line.

It is necessary to rethink physical activity and infant feeding if we do not want our children to suffer from overweight or obesity and the subsequent associated consequences, such as cholesterol, hypertension or increasing diabetes among others.

Video: Obesity report highlights risk of Type 2 diabetes for 'slightly' overweight people (May 2024).