More technology for children, wireless messaging system

We know through Xataka a wireless messaging system for children Mattel has manufactured, it is the IM-ME, a device with which to send messages between similar devices without the need for them to be connected to each other.

The IM-ME, with a very attractive design especially for girls, can also connect to the Internet after configuring it thanks to the USB that connects to a computer.

In our opinion, technology is fine to advance, but not to try to reach the little ones so soon. If we complain so much about the bad influence caused by the food industry with unhealthy products and the publicity that revolves around it, this area also deserves to be stopped. It does not occur to us that many parents want to give all kinds of entertainment to their children without stopping to think about the risks they entail and how they miss the childhood they enjoyed so much, physically interacting with other children and sharing time with their parents Although it is currently very difficult for many parents to provide their children with the necessary social relationships, it should be tried whenever possible.

Giving our children what we didn't have is not always the right answer.

Video: How WiFi and Cell Phones Work. Wireless Communication Explained (July 2024).