Where is the bread that children should bring under their arms?

A popular saying says that Children come to the world with bread under their arm, this referred to a better economic situation with the arrival of a baby, but, quite the opposite, instead of bread, what they should bring are the bills that have to be paid, but let's forget the jokes, the reality is that For parents, having a child means an expense of an average of 34,992 euros (only during the first years of life, because we already know that the more they grow, the greater the expense).

This expense varies depending on the province and social status, but the average is around the amount we have previously indicated. A study prepared by the Spanish Confederation of Organizations of Housewives, Consumers and Users (CACUU), shows that the minimum that parents spend per year amounts to 7,132 euros, a figure that the family economy feels especially especially when it comes to salaries that shyly exceed 1,000 euros. Mortgage, food, clothing, transportation, etc., all expenses plus the one that represents a child are not adequately met with salaries that range around an average of 1,366 euros in the case of the province of Huelva. According to they say, the average Spanish salary is around 1,500 euros (we repeat "as they say") but this amount is still precarious, of that money is used to pay a mortgage in most cases about 700 or 800 euros or even more. Adding all the daily expenses and the extra expenses, it is not surprising that the birth rate has fallen so much in our country.

The aid provided in Spain is really precarious and is only contemplated during the first year of the baby's life, you have to take into account that the expenses are doubled. The cost, for example, of feeding a baby, represents an increase of up to 1,700 euros from the first year to the second. If all aspects had to be analyzed in detail, many couples would rethink having children and surely the Spanish birth rate would fall further.

Promoting birth does not only go through some pompous aid of 300 euros a year, there are many aspects that institutions and the government itself must consider if they really want to raise their birth rate. You don't have children because you don't want to, but because you can't.

Video: Children arrive with one piece of bread underneath their arm. (May 2024).