The choice of the high chair or chair to eat

If you have to buy a highchair for your baby, let me give you some useful tips before acquiring a.

Today there are many ultra-modern baby chairs with very innovative designs, some very beautiful, but in addition to being cute, it is essential that a highchair is practical.

With my second baby I still use the same baby seat that I used with the first one because it still seems the best, even two years later.

The brand is not the best known, however it has some details that have been very useful and have made me use it a lot, not just for eating.

For starters, you have to see the strength of the structure. That it remains firm on the ground is important to check its stability whether it be wood, metal or plastic.

One issue that I consider fundamental is that the high chair has wheels on all four legs and safety harness for very quick children.

To me the wheels have been very useful to be able to transport it from the kitchen to the living room both for use at lunchtime and for playing and later for painting or drawing.

The tray must be, in addition to resistant, removable for two reasons. One, to be able to sit the baby comfortably and the second, that can be completely removed to clean it.

The highchair seat material is also an important point. Obviously it has to be easy to clean and if it can be removed to put in the washing machine, better than better.

Another thing I appreciate are the chairs that have a seat with positions. It can be left vertical to feed it, but then it rests so that the baby rests or to take the bottle, for example.

Finally, it is appreciated that the chair also has positions to place it at different heights.

Mine, although it seems a lie for being an unknown brand, meets so far all the conditions.

The only thing I have missed but it is not essential is a basket under the seat to place the hygiene wipes or toys.

Otherwise I give a 10, so I share its benefits because it has been very practical and that is why I have used it a lot.

Video: Top 3 Best High Chairs Review 2019. What's The Best Choice For Your Baby? (May 2024).