Grandmother Project, to improve the health and nutrition of children

A curious and interesting project prepared by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), aims to highlight and highlight the figure of the grandmother as an effective solution against some problems related to the health and feeding of children , Its about "Grandmother Project”.

FAO experts indicate that we have within our reach one of the most useful and abundant resources that exist on our planet and that we must therefore make the most of it. Grandmothers can represent an invaluable help that we should not refuse, a fact that must be especially emphasized is the role played by the elderly, whether grandmothers or grandparents, in some countries, are responsible for transmitting knowledge and providing the experience to the youngest and the knowledge that they don't have yet. The example is with the NGO Project Grandmother "The Grandmother Project", this has contributed with the voluntary grandmothers to obtain very good results in various projects of maternal and child health in developing countries, such as Senegal.

We find it very funny the way in which this NGO tries to capture new collaborating grandmothers, through written songs that extol the virtues of the grandmothers, make others cheer up by listening to the sweet melodies.

“Dear grandmother, you are wonderful. You have a great heart and you are full of understanding. May God grant you a long life… ”

No doubt grandparents are a great source of wisdom, thanks to them we can be assured that our children are well cared for when they are with them.

Video: Empowering Grandmothers to improve nutrition: World Vision Mamanieva Project in Sierra Leone (May 2024).