Risks in pregnancy if you suffer from congenital heart disease

We are not too surprised by the result of the study conducted by a team from the University Medical Center Groningen, in the Netherlands, on the risks of babies of mothers with congenital heart diseaseWell, you have to understand that the body is not a perfect machine and when it is forced, it can fail. Although we hope that the data can change thanks to new care and treatments.

Published in the Journal of the American Collage of Cardiology, they give us figures on pregnancy complications from a follow-up of 2,491 women with any of the existing congenital heart diseases, in 5% of cases they suffered heart failure and 11% arrhythmias and other heart problems.

The research team, led by Dr. William Drenthen, tells us that the cases of heart failure are more, but when you suffer early, it usually ends with an elective abortion.

8% of babies born acquired this congenital disease, 16% were born premature and the worst fact is that mortality rose to 4%.

However, the researchers emphasize that most pregnancies had a happy ending, so having a congenital heart disease does not have to prevent being a mother.

Video: Congenital Heart Disease and Pregnancy. Cincinnati Children's (May 2024).