The big step from kindergarten to school

The oldest of my girls, with just three years old, has just started school. It seems not, but it is a giant step in your life.

Although last year he went to the nursery a few months, this year a new world opens before his eyes.

The atmosphere of a nursery is more familiar, there are fewer children and everyone knows each other, but in the school you breathe a more formal air, there are many children and the routines are more established.

For starters, many times the school is not the same as the nursery, so it must be added that children go to new facilities with new teachers and new classmates.

Although both in one and the other have to adapt to certain rules, it gives the impression that in the nursery the rules are more flexible, however in the school there are stricter schedules, firmer routines, methodologies, records and in Some cases even complete uniform.

Mine goes with uniform. Seeing her dressed like this, I can't stop thinking how old she is and how well I did last year to send her to the nursery to get used to it (I was quite reluctant because it seemed very small).

Fortunately he is adapting very well to his new school, but I think that if he had not gone through the nursery first, this new stage of coup would have been more complex.

I think that attending a nursery school is very beneficial for the child, for later entry the school, that way you already know what it means to live with other children and have your own space away from home.

In short, the jump from kindergarten to school is a great step in which, as in all the great steps of our children's lives, we have to be by their side and support them to be as traumatic as possible.

Video: Infants - Kindergarten to Year 2 - Covenant Christian School Sydney 2019 (May 2024).