Who is the real culprit for children not having a balanced diet?

Yesterday we talked about the launch of the White Paper on School Feeding and the conclusions of the AEP and Sedca about the nutritional deficiencies of school canteens. And as usual, the catering sector that provides schools with menus, have come out in their defense with many arguments, some of them personally know that they are true.

In the defense is Antonio Llorens, president of the European Federation of Collective Restoration Companies (FERCO), who says that in general, school canteens offer quality and balanced menus, although it does not underestimate the possibility that they can be improved.

Llorens tells us that experts in dietetics and nutrition work in catering companies, but then the limitations established by the clients appear, in this case the administrations of the public schools, so there we already have a clue. On the other hand, it does not trust the results of a survey conducted in only 33 Spanish schools, it is a very small percentage that cannot give global data. He also believes that in order to know if the child's diet is balanced, everything that he eats per day must be valued, since breakfast, snack and dinner have to be complementary and that is what parents have to worry about.

As we have always said, food education since childhood is necessary, and should be developed at school and at home. What happens on many occasions is that parents pretend that their children eat at school what they are not able to give them at home, and that also cannot be.

The school can provide parents with the weekly menu that they will offer their children in the dining rooms of the school, so they can check if it is balanced (and if it is not, complain) and continue with a perfect nutrition of the child in the rest of the shots of the day.

If we combine good nutrition and daily physical activity, obesity and problems that may arise from a poor diet, will stay away from our children.

Video: The Plant Based Food Pyramid (July 2024).