Many parents worried about the height of their children

At a pediatric congress that is being held in Barcelona, ​​Dr. Lourdes Ibáñez, endocrinologist of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona, ​​has presented a study in which she states that 80% of visits to his office are due to parents' concern about the size of their children, while only 5% of medical consultations are due to some endocrine pathology.

Parents are concerned that their children do not have a size that they consider appropriate for their age, but according to the report presented, the reasons why children are short in size without endocrinological reasons are usually due to genetic reasons, constitutional delays of growth or certain chronic pathologies such as celiac disease. The doctor gives the alarm about the use of anabolics and their dangers, since there are no known benefits of administering growth hormone, these products derived from testosterone can accelerate bone maturation and as a consequence, their early closure, with A development not completed.

The average Spanish height increased in the 40s and 50s, but it seems that it is currently shrinking closer to the European stature, being for men of an average of 1.75 meters and for women of 1, 63.

Parents want tall children, it is clear that they are concerned if the numbers of endocrinology consultations are so high, although many only get as a result that "not all children can be equally tall."

Video: Do Not Worried About Your Child Height Growth Lets Watch The Benefit From This Video (May 2024).