China wants to wash the image of the toys it makes

After so many scandals about products made in China, manufacturers have become aware of the worldwide impact and the poor export expectations, have decided to take note and begin working with common sense.

Some 1,000 Chinese entrepreneurs belonging to the toy sector have met in a course promoted by the Government to learn about some of the basic rules that must be followed in the manufacture of toys, aspects such as the level of lead, the European certification of toys or how They must be the control measures to guarantee the safety and quality of toys, they have been issues to be discussed. China wants to wash the image of the toys it makes and these are the most successful first steps you should take. The large exports made by China can be seriously affected, although in fact the effects have already been noted, many Western parents do not even want to hear about Chinese toys in fear they may pose a serious risk to the health of their children . Last year China exported no less than 22,000 million toys, this figure represents 60% of the world total, we will see what this year's figure is.

Although from now on China will pay more attention to the products it manufactures, it will still take some time for Western parents to trust their toys again.

Video: Top 200 Funny Animals Vines. FunnyVines (July 2024).