How much does your child's school dining menu cost according to the autonomous community where you live

To the expenses of going back to school, we also have to add the cost of the school canteen, a service that many parents have no choice but to pay, and depending on where they live, some families may pay more than double than others.

The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Parents of Students (Ceapa) has just submitted a report with the prices paid by parents by autonomous community for the 2018-19 school menu in public centers. We tell you in which the school canteen service is more expensive and cheaper.

After years of increases, last year the price was frozen in almost all communities autonomous, being the average price per child per day, of 4.75 euros. However, in the Canary Islands, the price has dropped and in the Balearic Islands, Extremadura and La Rioja has increased.

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The most expensive communities

Precisely Balearics It is the community where the school canteen is most expensive: 6.50 euros, followed by Navarre, 6.25 euros and Catalonia, 6.20 euros. Although it should be noted that in the first price also includes the monitor.

The cheapest communities

In Canary Islands and Melilla The price of the dining room is the cheapest: three euros per child per day. The Canary Islands is also the only autonomy in which the price has dropped almost 10 percent of what it cost the previous year.

Below we leave the table prepared by CEAPA with prices by autonomous communities and variations with respect to the previous course. We talk about public centers, which set a maximum price for the provision of the service.

Concerted and private centers handle other prices, which can reach up to eight euros per menu per day on average.

On the other hand, according to the report Data and figures. School year 2018-19 of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, school canteens were present, in the 2016-17 academic year, in 56.2% of the public centers, in 86.1% of the centers arranged and in the 78.7% in private.

In public centers, those of Infant (69.6%) are the ones that offer the most school canteens, followed by those of Primary and ESO (67.1%) and those of Primary, ESO, Baccalaureate and FP (40%) .

If we talk about concerted centers, the percentages are higher: 91.3% for children, 89% for Primary and ESO, and 96.5% for Primary, ESO, Baccalaureate and FP; data that in private schools are 86.2%, 88.5% and 93.8%, respectively.