Letter from a mother who no longer has a baby, for mothers who still have it

Many people tell us, but most of us don't realize until we are parents: time flies by. When we have children, we begin to live time in stages, some seem long and others seem short.

As a mother who no longer has a baby, I want to talk to moms who still have it, to make the most of this stage.

To you that you still have a baby with arms

It doesn't matter if your son or daughter has seven days, three months or a year. If you still have a baby with arms, I will tell you what I consider is one of the most valuable tips on this stage: take advantage of it. Surely many people have shared something they consider useful, but I want to share something from your heart.

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Time flies, and when we have a baby everything changes. It is true that we feel that the nights become short because our rest looks reduced, and that the days may seem long for all the pending things to do besides taking care of our baby.

Although it may not seem like it, the days go by quickly. When you least expect it, your baby lifts his head alone. Then he turns around. Then he begins to sit by himself. Then start crawling. And one day, it surprises you with its first steps. We are all very excited about each of those moments, and we look forward to them.

But today I want to invite you to, although it is okay to wish those milestones arrive in their development, Enjoy and don't hurry because he grows up. Your child will be small only once, so make the most of it now that you can still carry it in your arms.

Approach it to you, let it feel the warmth of mom. Give it all your love, kiss it, love it, love it. Talk softly and tenderly. Don't be afraid to tell him how much it means to you and tell him how full of joy he has in your arms.

Whenever you can, take it with you, stick to you. Because it will not always be small, it will not always weigh a few kilos. Now It's the best time to enjoy that little person who has everything in miniature. Take his little hands, caress his little feet. Fill it with kisses.

Don't be afraid to hug him too much or charge him all the time. Trust me, babies don't get used to the arms, they won't spoil nor will that false warning that many say about that he will not let you do anything because he will want to be attached to you.

Breaking a baby is impossible. He needs you now more than ever, because you are his refuge, his safe place. Never be afraid to give him too much love. It is exactly what you need in those first years of your life.

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If you still have a little doubt, you can rest easy: science also recommends that you carry them in your arms, because it has multiple benefits not only for him, but also for you. Think about the power that has a hug and now imagine what a small and helpless human being feels that has reached an unknown world. Wouldn't you like to feel surrounded by warmth and love? When you hug your baby, he feels safer.

Life, the house, everything can wait. Your baby will continue to grow, and in a blink of an eye, you will see it longer outside your arms than inside them. This does not mean that I no longer need you, your arms will remain their refuge for many more years, but it probably won't be as easy to take him as when he was little.

So enjoy it mom, you who still have a baby with arms. Because the day you least expect it, it will stop being a baby, to become a child and you will remember with nostalgia those days in which hours were embraced in their own world.

Photos | iStock

Video: A Mother's Letter To Her Child ᴴᴰ Emotional by Sheikh Sajid Umar TDR Production (July 2024).