When the delivery does not go as expected

When we are pregnant we spend nine months thinking about childbirth, the long awaited moment in which we will finally know our baby's face.

As the date approaches we try to be positive, thinking of putting everything on our part to make that day unforgettable, but sometimes, due to various circumstances, things don't go as we wanted.

A labor that lengthens more than expected, an unexpected caesarean section or some complication of the mother or the baby, or both, spoils the illusion of the ideal birth.

But where were the stories of quick and easy births they told you? It is not "politically correct" to tell a woman that you are expecting a baby a terrifying birth. Anyway, if someone does, you convince yourself that it doesn't have to happen to you, and you do well because every birth is a world.

It may be that the birth has been problematic, that the mother needs a special recovery or that the baby should remain in intensive care for a while preventing contact between the two, which is so important to favor the attachment during the first hours of life. And on top of that, it is a critical moment in which hormones play against us.

Although I believe that the attitude of both the mother and the father when the time of delivery arrives is decisive and that fears should be left out, unfortunately there are situations that we cannot control, that no matter how much we try to handle them, they escape from our hands reaching greatly distress the parents.

Every birth is a world, it's true. But in those moments you have to draw strength from where you can't find them because your newborn baby needs the care and pampering of his mother.

As much as the birth has not gone as you imagined, we must not forget the main thing, that you just had a child and that is the most wonderful thing a woman can live. When you see the little face, everything negative is diluted.

Video: TWIN home birth didn't go as expected (May 2024).