Why they call you help by birth or adoption if it only benefits the mother

What trap have these rulers set so that the baby check can only be perceived by the mother? Why do they call you help for the birth or adoption of a child if the father, who has participated in its conception or adoption, has no right ?, is more, not even the baby is the beneficiary.

We already mentioned it before the new law came into force in A hole in birth or adoption aid, it is not fair that the mother becomes a beneficiary when paternity is a matter of two, the household economy is also a matter of both of them and the baby will receive the education and love of both parents.

In Spain there are currently hundreds of couples formed by a Spanish man and a foreign woman, children born in our country as a result of a mixed couple, are Spanish, but if the mother does not justify the residence of at least two years, she cannot apply 2,500 euros help. This unconstitutional discrimination has been made public by a Madrid citizen who was a father on November 15. Ignacio and Kathryn have had a baby named Sofia, and as you can tell, the mother is a foreigner and has not yet lived in Spain for two years.

Ignacio went to request the help of 2,500 euros per birth that the Government grants to all mothers (who meet their requirements) since last July 3, and the answer was that Kathryn is out of distribution of aid. Outrageous without a doubt.

This Madrid family will not let this injustice run, they feel discriminated against and aggrieved. But as they will be many more couples and it is best that all come together to claim a rectification of this "incomplete" help by birth or adoption.