EducaKids: a virtual community for parents

Lately, the virtual communities of people who interrelate through the Network around a certain topic are so fashionable, they could not miss any that dealt with the education of children.

EducaKids Try that. It is a collaborative space where parents, after registration, can find all kinds of information and advice on the education of their children, in addition to participating in debates on the issues that concern us most, asking questions or contributing articles telling their own experiences and concerns.

You can also find articles with tips, activities and notes on health topics as well as an online store with offers of educational products for children from 0 to 10 years.

In the style of the communities of travelers, I think it is a success any initiative that links people around a common issue, and more when the main issue is the education of children. Having contact with other parents and specialists helps enrich our role as parents.

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