The risk of applying lotions, shampoos and talc in babies

It is a topic that many parents are worried about, if it is correct apply to the baby talcum powder, lotions, shampoos or colognes.

As a precaution, as a general rule, they do not recommend it. The baby's skin is too sensitive and the component of any of these lotions could damage it causing eczema or irritating it, but now they also warn of certain component that could be especially harmful to babies' health.

A fairly alarming new investigation has come to light that indicates that some products intended for babies may contain harmful chemicals. Specifically, they have been found phthalates, a substance used in the manufacture of plastic, in the urine of some babies who had been given shampoos and lotions.

Experts say that exposure to these substances in early childhood is related to an alteration in the concentration of hormones as well as to the increase in cases of allergies and eczema.

In the case of talcum powder, it is not recommended to use it in babies because of the added risk that they could inhale the dust causing damage to the lungs. But, it is also not that we put the talcum powder on my face, I often use it in my baby's ass to reduce the friction of the diaper and it suits me well, not even a particle of dust reaches the face.

Before the slightest doubt it is better not to use them, but it is a serious issue on which as a mother I see it necessary to deepen more. In the end, they scare us but the products continue to cram the supermarkets, if it is a threat to their health, why do they continue selling them?

And another question is, do the products of all brands contain phthalates ?, I guess not, so it is necessary that they report the labels on the labels, so parents can choose products that do not pose a risk to our babies.