A hospital perfumes pediatric consultations and emergencies to improve patients' spirits

I consider that before the hospitalization of a minor, issues such as personalized attention, affection, direct treatment of staff with parents, contact between family and children, even a smile are more important ... when seeking greater welfare of the children same.

Even so, I also think to look new ways to improve the quality of life and health of hospitalized children It never hurts.

A few days ago we were talking about a heartbeat therapy experience for premature babies, we have even treated the case of hospitals that paint their walls with therapeutic art.

And it is that on many occasions the well-being of a child in the hospital begins with the facilities that host it: that they are welcoming, happy as much as possible, childish at the end of the day. Today I bring another experimental proposal, in this case going from the sense of hearing and sight to smell.

At USP Hospital of Marbella A new way is being made to make the stay of pediatric patients more pleasant. Is about use the benefits of aromas, in this case perfuming with talcum smell Pediatric consultations and emergencies in order to enhance positive moods and reduce stress and anxiety in patients and also in employees.

Talc has been chosen because it is a smell reminiscent of childhood, since, according to the director of the USP Hospital of Marbella, "the aroma has a powerful effect on memory by having the quality of arousing rapid associations" and being remembered during more time.

This project it will be extended to the entire network of this group of private hospitals after this pilot test in which the rest of the hospital facilities also participate, in this case through a special smell (a "woody aroma with peach notes") that intends the same purpose.