The smallest mother in the world

Stacey Herald is 33 years old and measures just 73 centimeters. Her height makes her the smallest mother in the world but her history shows that she has enormous courage.

Against all medical forecasts and despite the osteogenesis imperfecta he suffers, has given birth to a baby who measured 45 centimeters, more than half of his own size.

Due to her congenital disease, known as crystal bone disease, doctors told her she could not have children and when she got pregnant they advised her to abort, because due to the size of her torso the baby would crush her lungs and heart.

However, because of one of those miracles of life, not only did she give birth to a little girl who inherited her illness 18 months ago but she has just been the mother of Makaia, a completely healthy girl who will reach a normal height in the future.

It is not the first time we have heard the story of a mother who, even at the risk of losing her life, decides to move on with a pregnancy that seems impossible.

In the video you can see the amazing daily life of this woman whose desire to be a mother has been stronger than any barrier. How MMar wondered in the post about wrong birth, what is a normal father? Do you determine your height or the dedication and love you have to give your children? In the images below you will find the answer.

Video: The World's Smallest Mum (July 2024).