Children who are scared of Halloween: when the night of terror doesn't have a little fun

Today is celebrated the night of Halloween, a party that has already been installed in our calendar to stay, despite many and for the fun of others.

It is supposed to be a fun celebration, where the little ones especially enjoy terror as a central theme. They disguise themselves as terrifying characters, they organize scary parties and go out to ask for candies around the neighborhood. It all sounds very funny, but also very scary, in the literal sense of the word.

Everything is "terrifyingly funny"

The slogan is to combine terror with fun, making everything "scary fun." But Halloween is scary, and there are children to whom fear doesn't cause any grace, and even suffer seeing so much zombie, witch, killer clown, devilish doll ...

It is a night (rather, days we have been invaded by the spirit of Halloween) that for some children, especially the little ones, it is more a nightmare than a party. In Babies and more Halloween, a good opportunity to help your child overcome their fears

The scares don't have fun

Fear is a natural state of alertness, it is part of our survival instinct and the evolutionary development of the human being. Before a stimulus that a person, and in this case a child captures as dangerous, fear is activated.

The manifestations of fear can be very different in each child. Some react with crying, others run away, others are paralyzed ... There are children who can get to suffer real panic attacks in situations that cause fear.

They do not distinguish fantasy reality

The little kids they are not able to distinguish between reality and fantasy at all, making on this date their fears are enhanced, as is logical. As they grow and learn to distinguish what is real from what is not, and that the characters that scare them are fictional, fears disappear.

My daughter, and now nine years old, asked me yesterday, scared to death: Mom, devilish clowns don't exist, right? Terror causes them sensations that paralyze them, and above all when they see strangers in disguise, terror is exacerbated.

In Babies and more Children's fears, something natural

These days they have been watching horror images on TV, they may have told them scary stories in school, and children are especially vulnerable. It is common for them to have nightmares or be afraid to sleep alone because of the stories they have heard.

Before the fears, the children look for support in the people who give them security, that we are the parents. That is why we do not have to minimize their fears, let alone tell them things that belittle them as being "fearful" or "looking like little children." We must be understanding and provide support so that these fears evolve properly and can overcome them.

Respect children who are afraid

There are children who have no fun at Halloween. And as much as we try to assimilate them from the world of terror that invades us these days, it is not always possible. Therefore, for everyone to have a fun Halloween, it is important that those who have fun with this party, respect the little children you are afraid of and suffer tonight of terror.

If you feel like it, you can celebrate your own "sweetened" Halloween party by doing home activities such as crafts, cooking fun recipes or watching movies that are not scary, always regulating the dose of fear we transmit. Because although Halloween can be a good opportunity to help you overcome your fears, the parties are for fun and not to have a bad time.