Preimplantation genetic diagnosis finally in Spain

Finally, the new advances in genetic engineering have reached our country. The genetic selection technique consisting of select free embryos of a certain disease To then implant them in the uterus and to be able to use the cells of your umbilical cord for therapeutic purposes, it has been implanted in many European countries for quite some time.

On October 12, a 3.4 kilos baby named Javier was born at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville, who has come to the world to cure his brother Andrés, who with only six years old, suffers from a congenital disease called Beta thalassemia major, an anemia that can be very dangerous for life.

Javier is the first child born in Spain after a genetic selection in order to help cure a disease. The blood cells of your umbilical cord will be transplanted to your little brother so that his bone marrow works better and synthesizes disease-free blood cells.

This has been possible thanks to the genetic diagnosis prior to the implantation of the embryo, which has made the newborn 100% compatible with his brother. Thanks to him, in a few months Andres will smile again after years of having undergone various treatments without any result.

Video: IVFPGD - VLOG #37 - Trying for Baby #2 and FET prep (July 2024).