Baby rooms that grow with the child

Those who have followed this special from the beginning, will have seen how we chose the most hypoallergenic and resistant materials, how the baby's rooms have to be designed to adapt to the different phases that the little one is going to go through. Especially considering the current crisis, it is not a good time to change the complete furniture every two years, so the best idea is to get to the idea that the room is the place where the child will grow and facilitate the task of the decorator.

The slogan is clear: go to the basics. Think that the less you recharge the room with superfluous things, the easier it will be to modify it as the child turns years old. Use neutral motifs for larger items such as furniture, walls and floor. You can use white wood or furniture that suits all ages well. Moreover, the more common the material from which your crib is made, the simpler it will be to find a matching bed with the rest of the room when you no longer need it.

One of the first things that will come to mind will be convertible cribs of which we have already spoken to you on other occasions both here and in Decoesfera. These cribs allow with only a few small changes to be converted into a sofa, a bed or a playground. Before you go to buy one, you should keep in mind that the price of this furniture is slightly higher than the most “traditional” cribs, as well as the use you are going to give them.

A convertible crib that I really like is the one you see right above this paragraph, the Conver Chiss from My wedge, which becomes a bed, a bedside table, a bookcase and a desk without having to buy additional furniture. It is the ideal solution to forget you for many years of decorating the child's room. Also, since it does not have a markedly “baby” theme, it will adapt to the child's changes, as you can see in the gallery images. Its price always exceeds 1,000 euros and usually require assembly by parts of the house handyman (or handyman, according to preferences).

Store baby's materials in a low box that in the future can serve the child as a toymaker and learn from an early age how important it is to have everything tidy. This option of boxes or trunks is usually quite economical, since both exist in stores for prices below € 10.

To make the room completely safe, go through at least once every two months the bedroom getting up to your son. Squat down or on all fours and check where the plugs and the corners of the furniture are every time you make a change in the decoration. This is the best way I have found to make sure there is no danger.

See full gallery »Bedrooms that grow (5 photos)