One of these chocolates was wrapped in a public toilet. Which one would you eat?

Last Thursday, December 4, it happened in the Palace of the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires What I'm going to tell you. When the deputies entered the premises, each one is in his bank, attached to the button with which the laws must vote, a sheet of paper with the logo of La Liga de la Leche and two bonbons, with an inscription that says: “One of these chocolates was wrapped in a public toilet. Which one would you eat? ”

Nobody understands anything, they all look at each other and ask who put them that. They laugh. Everyone is aware that no one who is not a deputy or parliamentary advisor can have access to the banks, and yet there were hundreds of chocolates scattered around the room. Finally Deputy Victoria Morales Gorleri asks for the floor, and begins by asking his colleagues: “Would you eat in a public restroom? "

His goal was to show them that the babies who drink milk that their mothers extract in their workplaces usually must eat something that was "wrapped" in a water. Mothers find that the only place where they can express milk is the office bathroom, the most polluted place in a job.

The deputies were shocked and at the time of the vote the Law of Lactarios is approved. This Law provides that public bodies must have clean spaces, especially conditioned with a table, an armchair and a refrigerator so that working mothers do not have to express milk in the bathroom and can store it in optimal conditions so that then who takes care of their baby can give it to them.

This law has been achieved thanks to the intense work done before the different commissions by Deputy Morales Gorleri and her advisor, the psychologist Monica Tesone, member of LLL. And especially because of the implication of The Milk League and all those mothers who wanted to help other women and their babies have a hygienic and dignified place to be able to maintain breastfeeding.

As Ms. Tesone related to me, her objective is that this Law also applies to the private enterprise. I, remembering the terrible conditions in which I had to use the breast pump when my son was little, I was excited and I applaud this initiative. Hopefully in all countries a sensitivity and legislation like this will develop.