They claim that they can have orgasms in childbirth

When we talk about childbirth, that extremely painful moment in which a baby crosses the birth canal until it goes outside comes to mind.

There are numerous techniques and recommendations to try to alleviate this pain and make labor as pleasant as possible.

However, talking about a pleasant birth is usually a way of saying "I thought it would be worse" and apparently some women are capable of have an orgasm at the time of giving birth, thus giving the term pleasurable A much more real meaning.

The biological explanation, according to studies initiated by Dr. Beverly Whipple in 1989, is that the pressure exerted by the baby's head on the pelvic nervous system stimulates many of the points that have a determining role in vaginal, cervical and vaginal orgasms. clitoris.

During labor, moreover, more oxytocin is produced, the love hormone that is also secreted in more quantity when we are in love, with people who make us feel good and when we have sex.

“I had been told to wait for a painful birth, however I was prepared for a sensation of sexual ecstasy, something like the same sensation produced by the penetration… crouched on my knees I took the baby coming from my vagina to this little world to through my legs in the middle of an extraordinary orgasm ”
, taken from They Don't Call it a Peak Experience for Nothing, by Ruth Claire. The four keys explained by Yvonne Fullbright, sexologist, to fully enjoy the time of delivery are to overcome fears, assume that pregnancy is not an obstacle to sexual life, be willing to embrace the idea of ​​pleasure without limit during childbirth, and not put psychological barriers at the arrival of the moment. If we review the time of delivery a bit we will agree that it is part of the sexuality of women and in this way we will think that, why not, some women can live it with pleasure to the point of having an orgasm. However, it is difficult to think that it can happen to many women because of the difficulty of eliminating fears and psychological barriers as Dr. Fullbright suggests. A birth is seen socially as something painful and unpleasant and despite being a sexual act, intimacy is very poor. This lack of privacy It makes many women find it difficult to disinhibit and find it difficult to get into the right emotional and psychological state so that nature can keep up (can anyone imagine having sex with a crowd of people around trying to control the rhythm, breathing or posture ?) Who knows, maybe some women will return the power over their body and they will have more respectful and pleasant births. I put a video (in English) as a sample of a DVD called Orgasmic Childbirth (Orgasmic birth) that talks about this topic:

Video: Orgasm during Childbirth? (May 2024).