Babies will be born with two biological mothers

That "mother there is only one" is no longer so true from a biological point of view. The Cefer Assisted Reproduction Institute of Barcelona has just announced that next summer the first three babies will be born with two biological mothers.

They are babies of three homosexual couples. Each of them is the result of the fertilization of an ovum extracted to one of them and a sperm of an anonymous donor but gestated in the uterus of the other.

Undoubtedly, a new horizon opens up for lesbians who want to become mothers, since previously the ovules had to come from an anonymous donor, but both the Assisted Reproduction Law and the Homosexual Wedding Act allow this possibility that many do not know.

Surely it will have very good acceptance among homosexual couples because from the emotional point of view they both feel they are participants in the process of becoming mothers. Both will be biological mothers of the child.

The doctors of the assisted reproduction center comment that some couples are already thinking about having a second child but reversing the roles, that is, the woman who became pregnant with the first child would now be the one who would take the second while the other would donate the egg, always with the same semen donor.

Video: Dad and doctors are speechless after mom gives birth to a white blonde-haired baby (May 2024).