Winter foods: the 17 best seasonal fruits and vegetables to prevent diseases

The Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods that there are, and especially important in the diet of children, because they provide a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, help maintain proper hydration, and to prevent diseases

Experts advise the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible, since when picked up at their optimum ripeness, they are more tasty, ecological and natural, apart from a cheaper option for our pocket.

Today we bring you a compilation of the fruits and vegetables of the autumn-winter season that we can find in Spain, and that they should not be lacking in the feeding of our children for the multiple benefits that they can contribute Whether as dessert, side dish, snack or snack to take to recess: do not forget to include these fantastic foods on a daily basis!


The persimmon, thanks to its juicy, sweet and creamy texture, is one of the favorite fruits of children at this time of the year, in addition to being a highly energetic and nutritious food. The persimmon stands out for its fiber content and its high contribution of vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, K and minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper, potassium or phosphorus.

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The daily rhythm that children carry (school, extracurricular, sports, games ...) can make them feel tired at some time or suffer changes in their mood: consume persimmons It will provide great energy and will be a perfect ally for your immune system. It can be eaten as is or in dishes such as a toast with pear and mozzarella


This typical autumn fruit is perfect to make endless recipes, such as sauces, salads, sweets or Macedonian and also contains multiple benefits. The quince is especially astringent, so Helps fight diarrhea and other stomach problems so common during childhood, and it is a great source of potassium.

Custard apple

Custard apple is a very complete fruit with many properties, which provides minerals such as potassium, iron or calcium, which It helps keep bones strong, and prevent muscle cramps.

Among its many properties, it also highlights its high fiber content and vitamins of group B and C. In addition, the major component of this fruit is water, so it is perfect for maintaining proper hydration.

The negative point of this fruit is that it is not easy to eat for the little ones, and you have to be very careful with the pipes. But its meatiness, juiciness and sweet taste make it one of the star fruits of the season.

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The apple is a very complete fruit and with endless properties for the body. In addition, it is possible to enjoy it throughout the year. The apple is a source of fiber, which helps regulate intestinal transit, and contains high levels of potassium, magnesium, sodium, fiber, calcium and vitamins A, B, C and E.

It is especially moisturizing and provides an extra dose of energy, being a food rich in carbohydrates of rapid absorption. Therefore, it is perfect to maintain the frenetic daily pace we face. There are countless recipes in which you can include the queens of autumn.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C

Fruits such as kiwi and citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit ...), and vegetables such as cauliflower, red pepper, broccoli, chard and spinach, are high in vitamin C, a micronutrient characterized by boost our immune system, and help prevent colds and relieve their symptoms.

But in addition, vitamin C has antioxidant action, participates in the formation of collagen, bones, teeth and red blood cells, and promotes the absorption of iron from food, contributing to a good general health.

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Banana is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, has a high iron content and has * large amounts of fiber, calcium and potassium, which It helps balance blood pressure, provide energy to the body and prevent the appearance of muscle cramps, a very common problem especially in sports children.


The grapes are low in fat and rich in iron and potassium, so they are perfect to consume between meals or as a healthy snack to take to recess. Also, they don't contain cholesterol or sodium, so take care of the health of our kidneys, liver and intestines.

Grapes are a powerful antioxidant, high in vitamins A, K and B1, which helps keep bones strong and protect the skin, so delicate in childhood.

But remember that grapes, because of their rounded shape, are one of the foods with which children more easily choke, so it is important to offer them without skin and split in half, especially when they are very small.

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Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables have a high nutritional content and bring great benefits to the body. They are rich in vitamins A, C and K (watercress, chard), help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, fight anemia thanks to its large amounts of iron (spinach) and folic acid (endives).

However, green leafy vegetables contain high levels of nitrates (especially chard and spinach), so it is not recommended for consumption in children under one year, and it is advisable to limit the rations to three years of life.

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Cauliflower and Broccoli

Broccoli and cauliflower belong to the same family, and are two of the winter vegetables that provide more vitamins, minerals and properties. Both are an excellent source of fiber, contain large amounts of folic acid, and provide vitamins (A, C and B vitamins) and minerals, especially unclogging calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Both vegetables improve intestinal transit, strengthen the immune system, protect heart health, and help combat moods or irritability, as well as fatigue and excessive tiredness.

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Because of its easy corsage grip, broccoli is usually one of the first vegetables chosen by parents when they start with their baby's complementary feeding based on the BLW method.


How to resist a delicious zucchini cream, some delicious stuffed zucchini or a few zucchini miniature pizzas? This vegetable, which admits various forms of cooking and all of them delicious, is usually one of the favorites of the little ones for its delicate and soft flavor, and one of the first to join the diet when we start with the complementary food.

Zucchini provides abundant fiber and notable amounts of folic acid, potassium, iron, manganese and vitamins A and C. Therefore, it is a perfect ally for keep bones strong, protect the digestive system Y take care of the health of the nervous system and the immune system.

Green Beans and Peas

Green beans can be enjoyed practically all year round, and as with other vegetables we have seen, it admits multiple forms of cooking, making it easy to find the perfect preparation to dazzle children's palates.

Both green beans and peas contain a large amount of fiber, water, vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. That's why they are the perfect vegetables during the growth of children, contributing to the proper functioning of the nervous system and intestinal transit.


Carrot is an excellent food from a nutritional point of view thanks to its vitamin and mineral content. Water is the most abundant component, followed by carbohydrates, with these nutrients providing energy.

It is a source of vitamins A, E and group B, such as folates and vitamin B3 or niacin. Regarding minerals, the contribution of potassium, and discrete amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and calcium.

Always Carrot consumption has been associated with good visual health, and is that its high content of beta-carotene, a natural antioxidant, improves vision and color perception throughout life and reduces the risk of loss of vision in old age.

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Try to cut it into sticks so that the kids consume it as a snack. It is a delicious and very healthy snack that you will love! But be very careful when you offer it to very young children, because being a hard food when consumed without cooking, it can cause choking. Here we leave you the best 47 carrot recipes: salads, creams, stews, side dishes and desserts


Leeks have a significant amount of fiber, folates, water, vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, - necessary for transmission and generation of nerve impulse and for normal muscle activity-, magnesium, calcium and iron.

All these properties make this vegetable a very beneficial food in the children's diet, and its mild flavor is perfect for the preparation of creams, soups, purees and in many other recipes.


Eggplant is another of the children's favorite vegetables, which combine perfectly with any meat or fish stew, as well as with other vegetables, especially with zucchini.

They stand out for their high antioxidant power and their high water content, which helps maintain the correct hydration of the body, to fight cholesterol and improve digestion. It is also an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A, B and C. Here you have 67 healthy eggplant recipes to make the most of it and find which one is preferred at home.


And we finish our tour of the fruits and vegetables of the winter season with the artichoke, a vegetable known for its many properties, especially for protect against heart disease and reduce cholesterol.

Artichokes contain cinnarin and fiber, which favor digestion, as well as significant amounts of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamins, among which are vitamin B1, vitamin C and niacin.

In addition, the artichoke gives a lot of play in the kitchen and allows us to prepare endless recipes that adults and children will like.

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