Moses, cradle or cradle for the newborn?

When preparing the arrival of the baby, parents have many doubts, those that do not clarify in the manuals and to which each one gives you a different answer. In addition, with the times, we also wonder how to save money when possible when buying all the necessary accessories ...

Well, according to my opinion, on a subject as if Buy bassinet or training, cradle or mini-cot for the newborn, we can save money and space by going directly to the crib (If we don't decide to sleep in our bed).

The experience of my acquaintances says that the mini-cradle becomes in a few months in a difficult storage and with which we have the feeling of not having taken advantage of it. The same, although smaller, happens with the bassinet, even it remains unusable before.

One of the reasons we can have to buy a crib or bassinet is that in that way we can easily move the baby inside the house and always have it by our side. I think it is an advantage, but in my case the baby carriage did the same function, which for the first months incorporated the carrycot version, which actually becomes like a bassinet.

That during the day, and at night, then directly to the cradle. It is true that a newborn baby seems to be lost inside the crib, which today has standard measures of 120 × 60 centimeters. There may be several solutions for us to see and feel more clothed.

In our case we used a roll cushion that also gave us peace of mind against the frequent regurgitation of my baby. But there is also the option of a reducer or nest cribs, which are small portable cribs that we put inside large cribs, so that babies feel more collected. They can also be easily transported and used as a changing table. Here we talk about a cradle-nest model.

Either option will be much cheaper than buying bassinet or mini crib. And our readers, what did they use for the newborn?

Video: Should I choose a Moses basket or a crib? (May 2024).