A medical mistake ends the life of a baby

I can't imagine how this has come to happen. A baby has died because of a medical error very serious in Madrid. It was little Rayán, the son of the first fatal victim of influenza A in Spain. What happened is incomprehensible and leaves the soul in suspense, beyond words and horror.

Rayán's mother was Delilah and died of pneumonia after being admitted to the emergency room for the third time due to respiratory difficulties. The child was born by caesarean section and was since then in intensive care.

He has died not because of a complication of his serious condition, but because of a terrible medical error. The milk that was given nasogastrically was injected intravenously. The nurse who committed the negligence was new to the service and the person who had to supervise her work had been absent at that time from the ward. The boy died hours later by a fulminating embolism and nothing could be done to save him.

The unions criticize that the practices are carried out in such a delicate service and denounce the serious deficiencies of Gregorio Marañón personnel that cause the personnel to be overcome by the circumstances.


The authorities of Gregorio Marañón and the political leaders are desolate and willing to assume the human responsibilities of the case, since without a doubt the family will denounce.

Are these types of errors really inevitable? We are not talking about an order that is delayed, of a badly carried sale, of a paper that is lost. We talk about human lives shattered by intolerable negligence.

When these things happen, there is always a call for calm. But I am overwhelmed thinking about how unprotected we are and increases my distrust of health systems and large hospitals, which we go to think that they will offer us the best, but in which we can lose our lives for a stupidity that never, never, should it be allowed to happen.

I do not know if it was unfeasible in this case, but parents should always be able to be next to hospitalized children except in very special cases, watching over them, being the ones who make the decisions once informed by the professionals.

From here, my grief and my indignation, my tears, for this family. I have no words to convey everything I feel.

Video: Parents Outraged After Doctor Performed Surgery on Their Newborn By Mistake (July 2024).